
you think you have time.


The quote above is often attributed to the Buddha, but a quick google search tells me that it's more accurate to credit Jack Kornfield….so that's what I'll do. 

The best word to sum up the past few days – FRENZY. I feel as though I've been burning the candle at all possible ends since midday on Saturday. All the while, I've had a bitchy little voice in my head saying "nice vacation, eh?" I have tried to counter the anxiety with mindfulness and gratefulness…and I am really grateful. Much of my time has been taken up by freelance projects, and I am so grateful that I have those opportunities. Even so, I am my own worst task-master. 

A slight tangent, but also a related story – I went to parent/teacher conferences on Monday. Austin is an exemplary student, and some teachers even questioned why I was there. I attend b/c it's important to me to show an interest in Austin's education. Anyway, his AP English Language teacher mentioned that Austin sometimes expresses the need for a bit more time to think before he starts to write. Uhm, yeah…THAT. No matter how many times I promise (myself) to adhere to earlier deadlines, the reality is that I need a bit more time to think before I do anything creative – writing, crafting, photography. This has resulted in a lifetime of waiting until the last possible minute before completing a project. That habit smacked me around (hard) yesterday. 

I realize that the Buddha/Kornfield quote is intended to have a deeper meaning – but in the past few days, it has been a very literal truth for me. As I went to 3 craft stores (one of the twice), 3 grocery markets, the photo shop, the wine/cheese store, and the liquor store, I kept saying to myself "It's OKAY, you're off….you have time." I never could quite manage to calm myself completely (yes, I got a latte, and yes, I counted breaths…neither was 100% effective). It seemed that the harder I tried to calm down, the more distraught I became…which resulted in any "ugly cry" session over wine & sushi. 

So. Thanksgiving will arrive tomorrow, and time will not expand to accommodate all of the things that I'd like to do. There will be no centerpiece (nor any flowers b/c I simply couldn't add 'florist' to yesterday's stops). The kitchen floor will not sparkle. The mudroom will continue to look like a war zone. But. There will be food…and wine…and (weather willing) family. And my hope is that for just a moment, time will stand still. 


  • Tracy and Aaron

    Amen! No centerpiece or flowers on my table either. And some of the food was served from the top of the stove. However those sitting around the table were just as happy and enjoyed every minute anyway. Bonus – they even helped clean up afterwards! So even though I’m at work today, and the kitchen is still a disaster zone, Thanksgiving was everything I wanted it to be: good friends, good food, good wine and lots of love in our house.

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