foodie friday

foodie friday: w(h)ine & cheese


I don't have any fun foodie friday recipes to share, really, so this is really just going to be a few rambling, possibly incoherent, thoughts that may involve food…

  • I eat a fairly healthy diet. I eat very few processed foods. Some might say that I'm a bit of a food snob. Despite all of this? I am 16lbs heavier than I was at this time last year. I know that this has as much to do with my descreased activity level (thanks to the hip/back injury) as it does the food. Still. I'd like to see a bit more benefit. 
  • Virtually my entire office is currently doing WW. I think it's a fabulous benefit for the company to offer, and I applaud the members' efforts to lose weight. So, for those co-workers reading – this is not about you. I have done WW many times in the past, and had success. However. There is NO way that I could spend my life counting points, AND I have processedfoodsnob issues with the boxes of low-points pseudo food that they sell. That's all that I have to say about that.
  • I need to start bringing more interesting lunches. Any veg ideas? I think that I'm going to see how many different salads I can come up with. Can You Stay for Dinner has a great post on building a 400 calorie salad. 

That's all that I've got for today! 


  • Barb

    That post about salad was interesting. Thanks for sharing.
    I have a serious lettuce aversion. I would actually rather eat a giant bowl of vegetables than add lettuce or greens.
    And, I made the broccolini salad for Angie & Co. tonight. It was a hit with the grown-ups.

  • justem

    I totally hear you on the WW. It seems great, but it would never work for me. I need to just watch my portions and not drink so much Dr. Pepper…and get off my butt. 😉

  • Kirsten J

    I’m with you on the processed food issue (NutriSystem, WW, Jenny Craig). And I just read this thing about people consuming canned foods/drinks and their BPA levels – so much for my organic soups and tuna/black beans/garbanzo beans – bahhhh!!! I get it that the answer is to eat fruits and veggies, throw in a little brown rice. My “go-to” lately has been the organic hummus cups from Costco. Give me some Triscuits and pea pods and I’m happy. My most recent issue is my daughter playing softball tournaments. What to do when SubWay or RedRobin ( or God forbid, a concession stand hotdog ) are the choices???? The ice chest can only hold so much goodness….

  • Tracy and Aaron

    So . . . WW. I had a bad patch in my life about 10 years ago and ballooned up quickly. WW taught me all about portion control AND balanced meals. Love them for that and for taking the 50 pounds back off in about 6 months. However – hate the processed food aspect, especially with my food allergies. New bad patch in my life over this past year and once again watched the weight creep back up. Know I need to do things WW taught me, but without the entire lifestyle b/c I won’t do the processed food thing again. Keep up the good “arguement” as you help me remember why I need to do what I need to do 😉

  • Teresa

    I hear you about the soda! Mine is Mountain Dew. 🙁 Been an addict for 12 years. So hard to find something that I enjoy drinking that’s not bad for us.

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