friday reflections

(9.20) friday reflections

Taking a cue from my dear friend Gabby today, who was inspired by Rosie Molinary

Rosie explains that Friday Reflections is "all about reflecting on the week by observing our senses.  My hope is that this will be a gentle, easy way to tune into how we are doing and what we are experiencing weekly when journaling in general can feel so daunting."

My reflections: 

tasting: homemade roasted cauliflower soup, lunch at my favorite spot in Soho, homemade ricotta at Co., and a delicious gin cocktail at Juniper. 

hearing: the sounds of NYC, in contrast to the VT silence that I'm sinking into now, Austin's voice as he says "good conversation, home slice," Blurred Lines on my alarm. 

smelling: fall candles…and this morning, the slightly metallic "hot" smell that alerted me to the fact that I had left the broiler on. 

seeing: to do lists that are longer than I'd like, and inbox that is out of control, an empty refrigerator…and above all? possibility.

feeling: grateful, tentative, worried, relieved, excited (Barb is visiting in ONE sleep!!!), exhausted. 

wishing/hoping: for the bits & pieces to fall into place, for the ability to just take a (figurative) breath, for the grace to handle the difficult bits a little more...gracefully.


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