

I’ve been sitting at the computer for about a 1/2 hour this morning…reading emails, reading blogs, and trying to decide what to write here today. I thought about not posting b/c I’m not in the greatest mood. It’s been a long week. My back hurts. My weekend to-do list is daunting, so I’m stressed. So, I was thinking that I shouldn’t write a blog entry because it wouldn’t be particularly happy or funny or interesting. I was censoring myself. Avoiding writing because I didn’t think it was what *you* wanted to read, rather than just writing what *I* wanted to write. I do that alot…try to do what will please other people, rather than staying true to myself. Need to work on that.

When I wake Austin up this morning, I’ll say "it’s a blustery day, Pooh." It’s definitely that sort of day. It’s a feeling that I’d love to capture on film today. I’ve had my camera in my car every day this week, intent on taking some foliage shots on my way to work. And, every day, I’ve hesitated to pull my car over to the side of the road, and stand there like a leaf-peeper. Maybe today will be different. I’m guessing that the light won’t be great for rich color shots – but if I can capture some of the feeling of the day, I’ll be happy. And I’ll be late to work. That’s okay.

Since I’ve got this "what other people think" theme going today, I’ll tell you about dinner last night. By the time football was done, and I got out of a parent forum for Hope’s academic team, it was 7:00pm. Neither of us felt like cooking. Takeout in our end of town is limited to pizza, McDonald’s, and chinese food…none of which we wanted. So, we decided to go to Friendly’s. If you don’t have a Friendly’s, think Denny’s…same thing. Anyway, there were several people waiting to be seated, including a man & his daughter. I’d guess that she was 3…maybe a young 4. The man kind of glanced around, almost counting how many people were within earshot. Then, he begins asking the little girl questions. "What is water on the side of the glass called?" She answered in her 3 year old voice, "con-den-sation." "What is it called when you shock yourself?"-"Static ewectwicity." "What do the trees do in sunlight?"-"Photosynthesis." All the while, he keeps glancing around to see who is paying attention. I was SO annoyed that he was putting that little girl on display like that. As if she was some sort of street performer. I half expected him to put his hat on the ground in front of her for tips.

OH! I didn’t say anything about this yesterday. Did you watch LOST? Oh. my. god. I love that show.

That’s all for today. Have a good one.


  • Kelly Edgerton

    Lost: I’m addicted to that show! I want TiVO so that I can watch it multiple times between episodes.
    As for the writing about what others want to read… I’ve experienced that too. For one thing, I don’t want people to stop reading my blog (yes, I know, I am a pathetic attention seeker), and for another thing, I don’t want people to think that I am a Negative Nelly or a bitch. But you know what? I’ve gotten as much feedback and support from my friends when I lay it all on the line, as I have when I write in my nice voice. I think that we just need to be ourselves and write in the direction our heart dictates, not in the direction other’s dictate. I like this entry… YOU DID GOOD! Here’s wishing you a nice stress free, pain free weekend.

  • Shannon

    Follow you heart. That will always be the way to go. As for not being in the best mood – I second that. I’m glad I’m not the only one who had a henious week. As for the guy putting on a show with his daughter, I tried that once with Patrick. He was going something cute I wanted him to repeat and he just looked at me like, “I’m not a circus monkey, mom.” and refused to do it. Good for him. Ever since then, I’ve been ultra-conscious of asking him to do anything he may not want to. Shame on that guy. Kids are usually very smart and cute of their own accord anyway.

  • renee

    I’m just happy if my kids aren’t throwing tantrums when we’re out, never mind “performing”. We’re all normal, we all have grumpy, grouchy, bad days…feel free to write about them!!! You probably don’t want to hear this, but I’ve been excited all week, especially today, because for the first and last time in MONTHS we have NOTHING, and I mean absolutely NOTHING planned for this weekend. Usually I have mounds of errands, or we’re going to Fresno, or whatever…it feels so good…but, again, it’s been a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNGGG time coming!!!

  • Karin

    L O S T = my favorite show, hands down. Dr. Jack is yummy and I am glued to the TV every Wed. night. I also love Locke, and Hurley, and Sawyer….
    I decided to stop censoring myself on my blog. It’s my one place to express myself freely. Yes, I know some people don’t want to read doom and glum and all that jazz…. but sometimes I’ve gotta just let it out. Then I feel better. And besides, who is perfectly happy go lucky every day of their life? (Just my 2 cents worth…lol)
    I hope your back is feeling a bit better!

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