
the accident

Many of you reading this have heard the story more than once. But many of you have not. So, I'll re-tell it for the sake of information. I hope this doesn't read as a "poor me" entry, because it's not intended to be. It is simply that this is a part of my history, and it contributes to who I am…so for those who are getting to know me through this blog, well, you should know.

January 4, 1999. First Monday back to work after a week long holiday break. Also my birthday. I remember what I was wearing…a favorite Eddie Bauer dress. I dropped Austin off at daycare (he was 2 at the time), and dropped Hope off at school (she was 6 1/2). I realized as I left the school that I hadn't put my new registration sticker on my license plate, so I went home to put it on. I figured I'd rather be late to work than get pulled over for having an expired registration. Putting that sticker on is the last thing that I remember. This next part is what I've been told, and what I learned from the police report…

The accident occurred about 3 miles from work. A two-lane country highway, just after a gentle curve. I hit black ice. Witnesses say that I lost control of the car & started to spin. I narrowly missed an oncoming car driven by a nurse. I collided with another car that had pulled as far to the right as they could. The impact hit my passenger side door…the door collapsed into the car & crushed me. They used the jaws of life to get me out. I'm told that when the ambulance arrived, a decision had to be made about whether to take me to the local hospital (15 minutes away), or to bring me back up to the better hospital in the Burlington area…based on the level of trauma, they opted for the better hospital. (by the way, the folks in the other car sustained only minor injuries)

While this was happening, a co-worker of mine stepped outside for a quick cigarette. She heard the sirens, and quickly scanned the parking lot to see if anyone was missing. She didn't see my car, and says that she had a feeling. She found someone in the factory who worked rescue, and asked if he had heard the call. He had. He said that all he knew was that it as a little maroon car and that it was bad. She knew it was me. Through a "it's a small world" connection, she happened to know where one of my best friends worked. She called her & asked her to get to the hospital so that Rob wouldn't have to be alone.

I don't have any memory of the accident, or the week after. I vaguely remember seeing my Mom and thinking "Mom's here? That can't be good." I do remember waking up at one point & feeling the spinal collar and wanting it off. There are bits & pieces of the first two weeks that I've learned through others. Hope remembers that her Daddy picked her up at school, and that she knew something bad had happened because she'd never seen him cry before. The daycare director took Austin home with her. Rob had to use the phone bill to get my Mom's number b/c I always dialed it from memory. It's those little details that I've used to kind of make sense of that time in my mind, since I don't have my own memories to explain it.

I spent 2 weeks in the hospital, a week at a rehab facility, and months recovering at home with outpatient physical therapy. The laundry list of injuries: broken collarbone, 9 pelvic fractures, nerve damage to my right leg, a fractured molar, a head injury that required 8 staples to close, some internal bruising. The nature of the nerve injury was such that my brain & my legs didn't communicate. I basically forgot how to walk. When I entered the rehab facility, I was placed on a floor with patients that weren't expected to recover from their injuries. It was the most infuriating week…being reprimanded for trying to get out of my wheelchair, for trying to get better. Fortunately, one of my therapists was great about using that anger to motivate me to get moving. I used a cane for months while I was relearning how to put one foot in front of the other. For a time, I thought that I'd never be able to give up that cane. I remember one day after therapy, I was really frustrated and said that I didn't want to walk down the aisle at our wedding with a cane (side note – Rob & I were engaged at the time. Yes, we had a 2 yr old. That's another entry!). Hope said "Mommy, we'll just paint your cane white…then no one will notice it next to your dress." Well, who can argue with that logic?

The physical recovery took months of therapy. The nerve damage is permanent, but only bothers me when I get really tired or stressed. My collarbone didn't heal correctly, so I have a big ugly bump where the bone sticks up. The mental recovery took a couple of years of therapy. Lots of self-pity. Lots of self-doubt. And lots of victories. I survived.

So there it is, in a little more than a nutshell. Part of my history.


  • Jody

    Here is someone who TOTALLY understands! After our “accident”, death of Teagan, critical injuries and now years of rehab with Wyndham, I can remember the details as if it had just happened. I, myself had muscle, nerve and tissue damage in my legs and back and spent 6 weeks in a wheelchair. It’s not a fun experience- so I can clearly relate to your pain and frustration. I will be thinking of you alot as you get through this week. Especially on January 4th~ it’s also Wyndham’s birthday. She will be 5- and we’ve had moments in our life where she wasn’t expected to be here to celebrate days like that. So, it’s a sweet day for all of us and we’re hoping she stays healthy for it. She’s been sick 3 out of her 4 birthdays. I thank you for sharing some of the details of your pain and trauma. It looks like a miracle that you survived in that car at all! I say God has a purpose for that event in your life- maybe you’ve already “found” a reason for it…and you were definitely meant to stick around here awhile longer. I’m very happy to have met you online. Best of luck in all you do this week.

  • Chiara

    Katrina there are just moments and events who make up who we are and who we become in life and your accident is one of those events. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • mom

    I KNEW you would be fine when you refused to let us cut your hair! We spent three days cleaning and combing it VERY carefully. Do you remember? You’ll be fine Wednesday. The accident was just ONE awful event in a life FULL of wonderful events. I love you!

  • JillS

    that’s an amazing story…SO glad you’re ok…
    on a lighter note…just wanted to say i LOVE your header on your blog…don’t you just LOVE the life is good brand!?
    have a beautiful day…

  • Sophia

    Oh my gosh, my tears are just falling here. I can’t believe all that you went through and the photo of the car sent chills down my spine. Chiara couldn’t have said it any better. You are stronger because of this experience and your mom’s post was what sent me over the top. A mother’s love and support is the greatest gift! Thank you for sharing such a deep and personal experience. Big big hugs!

  • Lisa

    Katrina, I love what your mom said 🙂 It just sums it all up. Mothers are so wise. I know my mom is and someday I hope my kids will think that about me. 🙂 Happy Birthday (a little early).

  • stacy

    Even though words are never really adequate, I think I’ll just say what I said when I talked to you when you were in the hospital ( do even remember us talking?) … I love you !!! I am glad you are okay!

  • Shannon

    Okay. That is the first time I saw a picture of the car. Now I know why Rob was so upset by it. You’re lucky you survived. I’m lucky you survived. I don’t know what I would have done if I’d lost my “bis sis”. As long as I live I will NEVER forget the call from your mom. Be safe. And your mom is right. It’s one bad event in a life full of good ones. Oh, and Happy early Birthday. I always think it’s the 5th…didn’t you have a post about belated birthdays?

  • renee

    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Katrina, happy birthday to you (sang COMPLETELY “in key.” That car looks horrendous!!! Have a safe drive to work, just as you have the past 7 years. And have a great birthday!!!

  • Carrie

    I am one of the ones who have not heard the story.
    Oh my goodness Katrina, that picture of your car! I can’t even begin to imagine all that you went through, felt, and the recovery. You survived! I am so happy to have met you through the land of the Peas. Yay for scrappin’ Pals! 🙂

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