
counting the minutes…

to tonight's all-new Grey's Anatomy! So, just checking in to pass the time…

It feels like this week has flown by. I'm back in the swing of things at work, and the lip-gloss world is just as busy as ever. There's one little thing that I've done differently this year that has really impacted my workday…I'm managing my inbox. That might not seem like a big deal, but it is to me. At the end of 2008, I had about 6,000 emails in my inbox….PLUS what was in the file cabinet. It's not even that I never deleted anything…it's just that I could never figure out a good way to "catch up." So, on 12/31, I created a "2008 emails" folder, and drug my entire inbox into it. Instant fresh start! I'm now motivated to keep things filed, dealt with, or deleted…certainly not an easy task with 150-200 emails per day (that's just my work account). Riveting news, eh?

20 minutes until Grey's. In case you're wondering.

Another "fresh start" thing for me over the past couple of weeks is to attempt to bring my Two Peas Gallery up-to-date. One of my intentions for 2009 is to share more. For me, this includes keeping my gallery more updated, blogging consistently (definition will vary), sending photos to my parents more often, etc. I tend to forget about my gallery at TwoPeas b/c I'm often working on stuff that can't be shared…so I'm hoping that the sharing will also motivate me to create more that can be shared.

I'm not sure that the last paragraph made any sense. 14 minutes until Grey's.

CHA-W sneak peeks are starting to pop up! I'm totally excited to see all of the new Fiskars squeeze punches and border punches (some of which may or may not be in my possession already). Get yourself over to the Fiskateer's blog to check them out. While you're at it, you can check out a cute card set here, and a fun layout here.

9 minutes! Gotta go get comfy…


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