
the late show

I normally blog in the mornings…but I’ve been arriving at work later & later, so I’m going to try to free up some am time this week. Which means that I’ll blog at night. I’m sure that no one actually needed to know that little detail, but I just felt the need to explain.

I’ve come to the realization that I’m missing a gene. I don’t think it’s a hereditary condition, because my Mom seems to have it. I’m not sure about my sister…and I wouldn’t dare to speculate because, well, she can still beat me up. LOL. Anyway, I seem to be deficient in the good wife/martha stewart/suzy homemaker gene. I am incapable of keeping my house clean & neat, cooking balanced meals, doing ALL of the Christmas shopping without complaining, organizing everyones belongings & schedules, and decorating my house all holiday Pottery Barn-ish. One of my mother-in-laws (see, I can be vague b/c I have THREE) feels that it’s "the wife’s job" to make holidays merry & bright…that husbands can’t be bothered to think about gift ideas, much less actually shop for said gifts. HUH? My brain isn’t wired that way. My brain says "she’s YOUR mother, you figure out what to get her!" Oh wait, I think my mouth said that. Oops. As I was driving around town(s) today, trying to get shopping wrapped up, Christmas cards picked up, and the refrigerator stocked up….I just got FED UP. How in the world am I supposed to do it all?

I’m at the point with Christmas shopping that I’m just plain sick of it. Part of my gripe is that my family…and Rob’s family…lives far away. So I have to be ready ahead of time to make shipping deadlines. I ordered some things online, but that would require actually knowing what to get everyone…wandering through stores is much more inspiring (Kelly, I’m so NOT a power shopper). The other part of my gripe is that I don’t like the idea of buying gifts just because it’s the season for it. I like picking things out that I think a person might like…and I still make a lot of gifts. But I feel like I’m somehow disappointing people because I didn’t just buy what was on their list.

I talked to an old friend tonight, and I was explaining the concept of blogging to him. He asked if my blog was all nice, or if it was real. I assured him that there was plenty of whining going on…so, Scooter, if you’re reading….this blog’s for you. Hope you enjoyed the whine.


  • Tawnya

    Ah! I am still waiting SO patiently for the famous and wonderful photo!!! You know which one I am talking about…. arent you gonna give us a peak at least??? Ok.. so I am done whining now too! 🙂 Have a great day girl!

  • Sonia

    I hear ya. I live in the south, where most of the above 50 crowd is very sexist. It’s up to the women to do all of the shopping, cooking, cleaning, planning, etc. Screw that.

  • pegmanrique

    hang in there, girl! i was all about wandering around target yesterday, so you’re not alone! it is harder to get ready earlier, i have to do the same. i try to shop in october for the far away people, so i don’t have to worry!

  • Becca

    I know what you mean about buying something just because it’s Christmas–why not buy something during the year, when we see it and then give it to our loved ones instead of waiting for a holiday?

  • stacy

    ( felt compelled to post again) You know what?… you CAN’T do it all! You have to pick and choose your priorities. I know you and I have the same priorities- being a good mom, wife and a good person. Being good does not entail keeping a spotless photo perfect house and spending exorbitant amounts on Christmas so you can pay for it the other 11 mos of the year. No one says my mom was the best mom because she kept perfect house. People say I had the best mom because she loved me, cared for me, laughed with me and had a relationship with me.We all have to remind ourselves of that sometimes. ( LOL I hereby pledge to come back and read this many times to remind myself)Ok off my soapbox…

  • Shannon

    Thank God I’m not the only woman without the Martha Stewart gene!! I was just commenting to a friend in the office how disappointed Martha would be with the state of my house. But, you know what? It may be chaos and messy and everything not matching, but it’s still home. And I don’t think my son’s first thought when he comes into the house is “Mom you are so NOT Martha Stewart.” He probably thinks, “I’m home. Let me run the Christmas train at full volume while Mom’s trying to talk on the phone!” I think I worry more about it than anyone else (except my mom and dad, but hey, they’re parents, it’s their job). So I hear you. Oh, and it’s not totally your responsibility to make Christmas fun. My family is case and point. My father is the one who does all the Christmas stuff. My mom could live without it.

  • kelly edgerton

    Well, if you don’t power shop, I can see that you have reason to whine. As for being fed up, you are entitled to that too, because I believe (this is one of those odd little things that is included in the theory called According to Kelly)… I believe that as a wife and mother, you are therefore entitled to get fed up. It’s actually a right you have earned. And in addition, it’s a priveleged that you deserve. So the next time someone asks you why you are in a huff, just tell them that you are exercising your Human Rights (According to Kelly). Shoot, it’s worth a try. I do it all the time, and it seems to work pretty well!

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