memory keeping,  project life

2019 – the highlight reel

2019 held highs & lows…just like every other year…and we continued to create a life that we love. I thought that I’d pull one photo from each month that really captured the essence of what was great, and I was quickly reminded that there is so much great to choose from. So I’ve chosen a few photos from each month of 2019. **for those wondering – I do have a Project Life album for this year that is almost finished! The photos that I’m posting are definitely included in that album, along with so much more.

January was all about JAMAICA! It was an amazing way to start the year, for sure…

February is a dark & cold month in Vermont. It’s sometimes hard to find the happy. The first copies of Dan’s book + a reading event at Wilder’s school = happy moments!

March featured the first installment of IRISPALOOZA…aka, that time that Gina, Kristin, and I went to visit Iris in Florida!

April is an impatient month…we’re (usually) waiting for spring, and fighting cabin fever. Flowers and cheese boards helped with that!

May was a celebration of Austin’s university graduation in British Columbia! (He walked with his class in May, then finished up a few credits for his degree from Sept-Dec.)

June included an AMAZING trip to London & Scotland to celebrate Iris’s 70th Birthday. So grateful to have her in my life, and so happy that we had this adventure together!

July gave us sunny days, and LOTS of beach time! We have a beach in our neighborhood, AND we went to Maine/NH to celebrate the 4th of July. As a summer bonus, we had a visit from Miss Barb!

August was a whirlwind of transitions – the Littles going back to their other home, starting 1st & 3rd grades, work travel for me, and transitioning back to an emptier nest (which allows for quiet kayaking afternoons).

September brought a chance for Hope & Noah to get all fancy for a friend’s wedding. Austin went back to BC, and we headed to California. It was the first time that I’d gone home to Fresno in about a decade. Thankfully, my besties approved of Dan…

October included a fall break in Michigan with our favorite little people.

November delivered gratitude for making progress on our house renovations. We love where we live. I also continued my commitment to the curly girl method (go ahead & google that), and had 4 inches cut off my hair! And yes, this totally qualifies as a highlight of the year!

And…December! The month started with an epic 10-year-anniversary of #barbandkatsexcellentadventures AND Barb’s 40th birthday – at a yoga retreat in Mexico!! So much love for this girl, and for this experience. We celebrated the holidays with all four kiddos, and then toasted the end of 2019 with lobster (me) and steak (them)…and a neighborhood party with sparkles!

2019 held so much…it was a roller coaster from start to finish. I often thought of Kahlil Gibran’s thoughts on joy & sorrow as we made our way through this year…

When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

Kahlil Gibran

Cheers to all.the.feels for 2019, and all the hopes.and.dreams for 2020…

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