ventage tuesday

ventage tuesday : five bucks.

VentagetuesdaysI managed to miss out on last week's brilliant ventage tuesday topic (chosen by Angie), so I decided to just go with it this week. Better late than never, right? Here are 5 things @ 5(ish) bucks each that make an appearance in my daily life…5under5

1. Macadamia nut oil. ($5ish) I usually buy this BOGO 1/2 off, so it comes in right around $5. It's technically dry styling oil, but I use it on wet hair b/c it helps to keep frizzies away. 

2. KCups (varies). Bear with me for some creative math here. 🙂 I normally pay $6-$8 for a box of 12 (unless I do a Costco run), so that makes these little cups of convenience about $0.58 each. 

3. Burt's Bees Lip Gloss (?). Fact: I rarely wear lipgloss during the week. I do, however, carry Burt's in my bag. I don't actually know how much it costs (for obvious reasons). 

4. Gratitude Journal App ($0.99). Love this little app, and TRY to use it daily. Even if I don't actually get around to typing, the alert that comes up on my phone at least prompts me to THINK about gratitude for a moment.

5. Great Lash Mascara ($5-6). I have a variety of mascaras laying around…some that we make, some that I've been sent, some that I've purchased and some that were benchmarks at some point. Maybelline's drugstore staple is still my go-to. 


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