friday reflections

2.7.14. sharp edges & friday reflections.

Sharp edges

This week has had its share of sharp edges. Or, perhaps, I'm simply more sensitive to them. I've wanted nothing more than to stay in bed each morning, feeling safer tucked into the covers with a stack of books beside me…rather than out in the world dealing with other humans. I worked for a few hours, and then took a self-care afternoon. Had fun lunching & shopping with one of my beautiful friends, and then went to an early evening barre class. Reflections on this prickly week…

tasting :: apricot & pistachio granola. chai tea lattes. freshly baked bread. bananas. cashew milk.

hearing :: real life stress in friend's voices. the universe whispering "love wins." my barre class teacher saying "tuck! tuck! tuck!". American Authors (thanks Barb). 

smelling :: honeysuckle body lotion. radish counter spray.  

seeing :: lots of pretty white snow. a stack of unopened mail that needs to be attended to. the hint of a stronger me in the mirror at barre class. 

feeling :: introspective, as usual. torn between letting go and holding strong. shift showing up. grateful for my brother's presence…he makes me laugh AND he fixes things!

wishing/hoping :: that I can embrace the RE in this mercury in retrograde thing. for more productive calm at work. that friends weren't hurting. that there was a Starbucks on my way to work. that my hip gets stronger with every workout. 

Inspired by my dear friend Gabby today, who was inspired by Rosie Molinary

Rosie explains that Friday Reflections is "all about reflecting on the week by observing our senses. My hope is that this will be a gentle, easy way to tune into how we are doing and what we are experiencing weekly when journaling in general can feel so daunting."


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