52 Lists,  desire map,  eat, play, live,  let's read,  one little word,  project life,  traveling smash

the master list of projects.

Bottles(random photo taken in montreal that has nothing to do with this post)

I've reached a point where I am behind on more things than not. No complaints, no pity party….just a fact that I'm trying to get my hands around. For the last few days, I get a glimmer of inspiration & motivation at about 2:00 in the afternoon. Y'know, when I'm at work, and buried in work stuff. I devise grand plans of what I'm going to accomplish after dinner, and then? The internet happens. And before I know it, it's 10pm, and it's time for me to go to bed and check Instagram/Pinterest/Facebookonelasttime on my phone…and then sleep. So. An accounting of what I'm thinking about working on, and planning to get back to….

Project Life. I haven't fallen in love with it yet this year. It will happen. I'm still grappling (isn't that a great dramatic word?) with the implications of a smaller size & monthly focus. And by "grappling," I mean deciding that I'm probably going to return to weekly spreads, but stay with the smaller format. Weighty decisions. Clearly. 

One Little Word. It's present. It's good. As I've mentioned, FORWARD is serving as more of a foundation this year. Even baby steps move me forward. 

52 Lists. Still love the concept, and still love the prompts. Just need to put fingers to keyboard. This might be an in-flight project on Monday as I fly west again. 

Reading. Does reading count as a project? I've got several books that I'm really anxious to get started on – just need to schedule in some time. REALLY looking forward to spring days that invite reading outside (I'm giving Winter Storm Vulcan the stink eye). 

The Kitchn Cooking Cure. Angie emailed yesterday asking if we (the girls) wanted to play along (rewinding to the beginning) – and of course, I said yes. Because this project list isn't long enough yet. Also, because I like cooking. Also, food.

Photo books. In the grand plan to declutter & downsize, I'm going to put together photo books of things like kids artwork in an effort to reduce the actual paper that is stuffed into corners of my office. 

Barb & Kat's Excellent Adventures Smash Book. There's another excellent adventure being planned (NOLA!), so I need/want to get the last few documented smash-book style. Are Smash Books still a thing? I have no idea….

The Desire Map. Did you see that Danielle Laporte made her digi subscription FREE? Yup. Get #desiremap right here. I'm still working with Freedom, Ease, Lightness & Strength. 

And…that's a wrap (at least for now). I regret to inform you that cleaning my house didn't make the project list. What are you working on?




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