
shifting seasons…and stories.

Oh, there's the word again – shift. My 2012 OLW just does not give up. I joke about that often, but honestly, it's such a comfortable word for me that I'm also happy to see it stick around. It shows up, a lot, and often seems like a sign from the Universe that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. 

I attended a workshop tonight titled Replenish: A Dynamic Autumn Workshop for Women. I questioned it a few times. I had lots of excuses. Fairfield is a bit of a hike from Essex (work) & Colchester (home). I'm traveling tomorrow, so there's packing to do. I don't know anyone who is going. When the leader of the workshop began describing the shift of seasons, I knew that I was supposed to be there. 

One of the concepts in the workshop that really, really resonated me is the idea that we can REauthor our lives. What is the story that we tell ourselves? How can we reauthor that story? What is no longer serving me? What can I let go of?

Well, shift.

At some point over the past week, I crossed the one year mark. One year since I called Barb on the way to work, leaving a crazed voicemail saying "It's done. The judge signed the order. It's done." I can let go of that chapter. I can reauthor the rest of the story. 

So. For those who have stuck around…thank you. It was a brutally hard year. Harder than I ever imagined. The dark & twisty nearly consumed me. I'm ready to write my story again. I hope that you'll be a part of it. 

PS. While I'm on the subject of writing…I'm reading Dani Shapiro's newest book and OH MY GOD IT'S BRILLIANT and I'm listening to Elizabeth Gilbert's TED talk for the millionth time and saying YES!!!/fist pumping/sending Barb lunatic texts. The thing about words? They're my salvation.


  • Krystyn

    Had to go listen to Gilbert’s talk…good stuff…and I’m super excited to see her on Nov 2nd when she comes to Knoxville for a talk presentation. Woohoo!!

  • tracy

    Reading this and your internal debate on going to the workshop reminded me once again to thank you for talking me into attending a book club so many years ago . . . which changed my life. Keep those words coming!

  • LouiseFortune

    Stuff that happens in our lives that don’t break us, make us stronger.
    You had the courage to end something that wasn’t working and the strength to continue with life. Im happy that you are still sharing and here’s to an writing a different story.
    Just as an coincidence I live in the county of Essex (UK) and am about a 60min drive away from the largest City in Essex called Colchester . . .
    Louise x

  • Angie Bee

    I’m extremely proud of you, for you, all of that, for figuring out what you want, (instead of what you should do for anyone else or what you think others think you SHOULD do).
    Not too long ago I heard a great financial dude being interviewed on NPR. Can’t remember his name right off or I’d give credit. He said something that has changed everything I ever thought about homeownership, and it’s already making a difference in the choices I make about my home: A home is a place to live, not an “investment”. It’s a place to live, it’s a roof over your head, it’s a place to put your stuff. Period. So it should be whatever you want it to be. Whatever makes sense to you, whatever speaks to you, what you can afford, in the place you wanna be, etc. etc. Though your house may turn out to have been an investment of some type once the deeds are all transferred, it’s only home if it feels like it to you.
    You know I love you, girl. Always on Team Katrina.

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