
Scrapper’s Angst

There’s always a lot of discussion in the scrapbooking industry about what is "in" – what is the newest technique, the newest product, the hotest scrapbook "celebrity." I’ll admit that I sometimes get caught up in this. One of the discussions that I was pondering last night was this: "events" vs. "moments." I was thumbing through Clean & Simple Scrapbooking (which is one of my absolute FAVORITE scrapbooking books) and came across a section where Cathy explains that she’s really NOT an events scrapper. For a moment, I felt seriously inferior. I have a BUNCH of "events" pictures that I need/want to do layouts of…"Our Trip to the Basketball Hall of Fame," "Visiting Six Flags," "Austin’s School Play"….that sort of thing. Why in the world am I feeling like those layouts won’t measure up? Truth is, I’ll never run in the cool crowd of scrapbooking. The amazing scrapbookers listed on my "Addicted to Blogs" list aren’t likely to be reading this or "following" what I do. So, there you have it. I’m embracing my UN-coolness. Look for an events layout here soon!

By the way, my video today has a story behind it. I was driving to an appt w/my lawyer yesterday about the whole Steven-moving-thing. I was tense. I don’t like needing a lawyer. I flipped stations on my radio, and one of my all-time favorite country songs was on. It was a perfectly-timed reminder.

Have an awesome Wednesday….


  • Sonia

    Are you kidding me? I think your style is awesome! I have loved each and every one of your cj entries. I’m so glad you send to me 🙂 So I get to see them all! As far as events vs moments, I do both. I find moments pages a lot easier to do! But I don’t want to forget what kind of shirt my son was wearing on his 4th birthday, or who was at my dd1’s 12th birthday, kwim? I try hard not to fall into the “trend vs non trendy” trap, but it’s very difficult to do!

  • renee

    WHAT??? You are doing “event” pages…how sooooooooooo uncool is that??? I can’t believe it…I just don’t think I can “hang out” with you anymore…Katrina, don’t be a dork!!! You can scrap your events (just don’t tell anyone about it)…lol By the way…good song!!!

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