
long flight

Written on Thursday….

Still have 2 more hours on this flight…and I’ve read my book, my magazines, and the safety information card (twice). Now what? I decided to blog – journal, I guess, since it’s not on the web yet.

I just finished the Second Summer of the Sisterhood. I love this series. Love it. I’ll pick up the Third Summer while I’m in Fresno so that I’ll have something to read on the flight home. If you haven’t read these books, you should. Unless you’re a guy – in which case you just won’t get it. The book, combined with something Mo said, brings me back to being 17. That’s what books are supposed to do, right? Connect with themes in your own life? Anyway, here’s a few thoughts on 17 (nothing too shocking b/c…ahem…my mother reads my blog. Hi Mom.)

Friends @ 17: Remember how we would talk all day…and then talk on the phone for HOURS at night? What in the world did we talk about? And why don’t we do that anymore? Sure, we’ve replaced some of the conversation with email, IMs, and blogging. But talking is still fun. I talked to Gina for an hour last Tuesday. An HOUR! How dare we take an hour away from our family/life/house/work/stuff? It was worth every minute. The moral of my story? We were onto something @ 17…talking is good. Let’s do it more often.

Love @ 17: (Mom, just skip this part). We were desperate to figure this out. Who did we love at 17? I’m fairly sure that at least one person reading this blog has a note stashed in a box somewhere that says I *heart* Scott. Or I *heart* Danny. Or I *heart* Adam. Too many people to *heart*? Nope, I don’t think so. Here’s my point – we should include A LOT of people in our life. It makes us richer. Makes our lives more interesting. Be {in love} with one person – but don’t be afraid to love more. Does that make sense? I hope so. And, by the way….I *heart* you, too.

Mothers/Daughters @ 17: The book is great at exploring these relationships. I’ll leave it at this…I wish that I would have shared more heart-to-hearts with my Mom. (ps. that kind of makes it sound like she’s dead…she’s not…she’s reading this!) I like John Mayer’s words…

Fathers be good to your daughters/ Daughters will love like you do/ Girls become lovers who turn into mothers/ so mothers be good to your daughters, too

Alright, better put the pen down. Must be all this recycled airline air….making me sappy.


  • renee

    I didn’t know there was a second and third part to The Sisterhood…I’ll have to go get myself the second book!!! Fun!!! I’ve replaced talking to my friends every night to talking to my mom every night…somehow when I moved away I went from calling every few nights to every night…Scott can’t understand how we talk about “nothingness” everyday.

  • stacy

    Been meaning to get that series. Now that I am done with Harry Potter, might have to go get those. I love to read but I have such a hard time with picking out books.Renee- I know what you mean about talking to your mom. I talk to my mom everyday..funny when you’re a teenager your mom annoys you so much and now as an adult you wanna talk to them everyday. How does that happen?

  • Amanda

    I laughed and cried through all 3 books. What I love is I can relate to each charcater, we each have part of each of them in us. It just hits on so many issues we face. Did you see the movie? Had me crying through the whole thing!

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