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i survived Whole 30® (& lived to tell about it)


I finished up Whole 30® last week, and gave myself a few days to recover before writing about it. Mostly b/c an earlier post might have included all the swear words, and my Mom gets cranky with me over that. Thoughts from the other side…

  • I have little tolerance/patience for people who don't do the work. I wandered about the online forum on the official site, and joined a Whole 30® Facebook group, and was constantly irritated by people who clearly hadn't read a single free PDF about the program. Why would you attempt a program that you clearly know nothing about?? Sigh. I was SO relieved when my friend Melanie added me to a private FB group of Whole 30® folks. They were informed, supportive, and doing the work.
  • I found very few obstacles with eating in restaurants. Calling ahead, asking questions, and being willing to compromise created pleasant experiences with business dinners and travel. 
  • I fast-tracked adding eggs back in, primarily due to travel. As I mentioned in a previous post, my naturopath had recommended eliminating eggs for 6 weeks based on food intolerance results. Not particularly surprising, given that I had an intolerance to eggs as a child. After facing down breakfast in the Concierge Lounge…I chose to add eggs back in. I've certainly reduced the amount that I'm eating, and haven't had any issues.
  • I'm not being systematic about reintroduction, but I am being mindful. Corn is not my friend. Rice is fine (thank god! I would miss sushi!). I haven't added dairy (other than butter). I've had some gluten, but not enough to really determine if it's an issue. 
  • Final results? I lost a few lbs (literally only a few), likely lost some inches through a combo of Whole 30® & weight lifting, started sleeping more soundly, and definitely turned the corner on some digestive annoyances. 

So, what now? 

  • I'm basically adopting an 80/20 Paleo approach. 
  • I'm continuing with weight lifting, adding intervals, and plan to get back to a regular yoga practice. 
  • I'm going back to practicing intermittent fasting b/c I feel good when I do it.
  • I'll continue to take collagen, probiotics, L-glutamin, and digestive enzymes. I'm sporadic about all of them except collagen. 

Thank you to all who texted/emailed, cheered me on, and were understanding throughout this experience. I appreciate you!!


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