
I get that from you.

Today is my Mom's birthday. Say it with me – Happy Birthday Mary! As many of you know, I only see my Mom every few years, and I don't call her nearly enough (#someoneshouldlearntotext). I know that many of my decisions & daily choices baffle my mother. I imagine that she is often chatting with my sister or brother saying something or other about that "crazy thing Katrina is into…" Actually, strike that. My mother is a freakin' vault when it comes to sharing information with the 3 of us. So she probably just tells my Dad that I'm nuts. Ha! Anyway, I've been thinking lately about some of the things that I DO get from my Mom…so here's a little tribute…

We are writers. I could not have escaped this if I tried. My Mom is a writer. My Grandmother, and Great-Grandmother, and Great-Grandfather…and, and, and were writers. Both of my children are writers. The apple not only doesn't fall far from the tree…it falls smack dab onto a clean page. 

We are creative. I remember filling out many a school form listing my mother's occupation as "artist." My Mom paints, draws, sews, photographs…and can cut out a string of paperdolls like nobody's business. I personally thing that my Mom's talent as a teacher lies in her ability to be creative in the classroom…not necessarily her ability to follow the latest standards and testing rules. 

We are gypsies. If not in practice, in spirit. We've moved dozens of times. We've been to dozens of random off-the-beaten-path places (Great Crater of Arizona anyone?) Sometimes by choice, and sometimes by necessity, we were taught to wander & explore. 

We are seekers. Elizabeth Gilbert calls it "the mighty urgency of the quest." My Mom and I seek different knowledge, for sure…she is bewildered by my interest in Buddhism and eastern thought; I am perplexed by her dedication to genealogy. (Hmmm…as I wrote that, I was struck by the idea that I am seeking inward, and my Mom is seeking backward. Topic for therapy, eh?) I was raised to believe that anything worth learning can be learned….and that is the number one lesson that I hope to have taught my own kids. 

We love coffee (and ice cream. and dark chocolate.). I had my first cup of black coffee in the 4th grade, and I haven't looked back since. My Mom and I often chat about "cutting back"…which we both know to mean "backing away from our 8th cup of the day." We both have a weakness for ice cream, and a serious love of dark chocolate. The result of all of this is that we both get that look from our doctors. 

Happy, happy Birthday Mom! I won't bother telling you that I am mailing your present TODAY, or that Karen will absolutely call you first. I don't know who I get my lateness from! 😉


  • Lee Currie

    LOVE this. I have no relationship with my mother and wish I could write something similar. Maybe my kids will 🙂 As always, thanks for the inspiration! Happy Birthday, Mary!

  • mary

    What a sweet tribute. 🙂 I agree that we have much in common, perhaps even more than you think. There are a few people who consider me a bit crazy! Someone recently asked me, “So what’s up with you and food?” Tough to go green in meat & potatoes country! I am enjoying dark (90) chocolate as I type this and my 5th cup of coffee is sitting here. I will have ice cream later after you call me. And no…someone is not going to learn to text. Just sayin’.

  • libbywilko

    Just lovely, hope you’ve got lots of her vault of family stories written down. My Mum was the same full of wonderful stories and she has lost most of her long term memory over the last 6months sooo fast… Too fast.

  • Kathleenroush.blogspot.com

    I so appreciate this! My mother passed away when she was 62 – I was 29 (I’m now nearing 67). It was only been as my four grew up that I have been able to see how much my own mom and I were/are alike. Creativity was a dominant force in our home. I do wish we could have communicated better… there was an assumption that I was always critical – when it was just thoughts being said that were more of what I thought were conversation starters…. I am grateful that my daughters and my son and daughter-in-law share my love of creativity. It is a connector!

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