
fly away home.


I was in San Francisco for business for the tail end of last week. As the plane descended, I had the familiar rush of emotion. I'm home. I've lived in VT for 20 years, and before that, I moved a lot, living in CA, IA, and OK. Despite all of that (or perhaps b/c of it), California always feels like home. Bits & pieces…

*I've mentioned before that I do some of my best thinking when I fly. There's a clarity that I feel in the air. Thanks to Delta wifi, the flight west went by quickly. I read this post on Andrea's blog, and was SO moved by it. Seriously. 

*The sun. The warmth. The smell of the ocean. I find healing in these things.


*I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Batkid while I was there. Such an amazing story.

*2014 promises to involve more travel, so I've been reading travel tips like crazy. I always carry too much (which made sprinting to the C gates at Detroit a REAL joy), and I always worry that I've forgotten something. Two things that worked well for me this time – 1)chugging Emergen-C for a few days before flying and 2)a couple of little Acubeads in my ear (small beads affixed to points on my ear that I pressed for 10 seconds a few times per day to help with backpain). 

*I work with cool companies that employ awesome people that I am lucky enough to call friends. 

And now, I'm staring down a busy week at work, and setting the intention for it to be productive and fast-moving. My brother arrives next week (on Thanksgiving), and I've got a lot to do before he gets here! 


One Comment

  • Bev

    You saw Batkid! I read a long, photo filled story on him this morning while sitting in Starbucks and found myself struggling to hold back the tears. What a sweet, sweet story!

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