
breaking & entering, buddha, bloggers and boston.

breaking & entering. 

This is what happens when someone's sister's cleaning service locks the door that is supposed to remain unlocked…

You steal borrow the neighbor's recycling bins to get better height to attempt to pry open the window that is pretty much painted closed. 

Then you find not one, but two, crowbars, and attempt to pry open the aforementioned window. When this method is unsuccessful, you give up…but not before the neighbor comes over and asks if you're breaking in. Uhm, yes. In daylight. With one of us in heels. Soooo breaking in. 

After the neighbor was convinced that we were legit, he wandered back into his house…only to be sent back out by his wife, to invite us over for wine. We declined. We've always been taught not to drink wine with strangers. We did manage to get into the house, thanks to the cleaning service who came & unlocked the door while we were at Bertucci's…having dinner & visiting with Lain. (you might want to take notes…this is a confusing story)


We had the privilege of attending the Mother's Plunge…a day long retreat led by Karen Maezen Miller, and hosted by Mindy Tsonas. I'm still really forming my thoughts on this day. It was inspiring, interesting, and even a bit unsettling (but in a good way). A bit hard to explain, really. I loooved the meditation practices…especially walking meditation. I had the privilege of meeting Katrina Kenison, and can't wait to really savor her book. I'm not doing this recap justice…too many thoughts still clunking around in my head. 



I'm always thrilled to meet scrapbookers in person at trade shows, crops, and conventions…and I'm fortunate to have made many new friends through those meet-ups. In the past week or so, I've met fellow bloggers…and feel that same excitement about meeting new friends. I had already been reading Lindsey's blog, so I wasn't surprised to find that she is quite lovely in person. She introduced me to Denise, who is equally lovely. I insisted that we pose for a little blog-love photo…

(in this photo, Lindsey is thinking "omg. i'm not really sure about this katrina chick with the weird shoes.")

I'm looking forward to reading Miranda, Meg, Corinne, Kate and Tracy. I hope to be joining Jena & Nan's sitting practice here in VT (they said there might be wine…so you know I'm there). Kindred spirits, all. 


Each time I go to Boston, I remember that I adore it. Sun and sea = happy me. 



be good.


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