
A little insanity in the morning

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again, expecting a different result…then I’m officially insane. Each & every morning, I get out of bed thinking that today will be the day that I’m all bright-eyed & ready to stroll out the door on time (early even!). And each & every morning, I rush out the door, LATE, clutching a toaster waffle, hoping that I don’t have toothpaste on my shirt (again). It’s not a matter of getting up early enough. This morning:

5:30am: I got up at 5:30. Why? Because if I don’t get up when Rob leaves for work, I will never get up. I pulled on a sweatshirt, and followed the breadcrumbs down to the computer (okay, not really…but Rob does put my cup of coffee downstairs so that I can’t just sip some & then go back to bed).

6:30am: Still on the computer. I’ve read emails, read blogs, and watched far too many music videos. Couldn’t decide on a new video. Honestly, I was going to put another Joss Stone song on. That would be 3 this week….and I’m pretty sure that would mean that we’re going steady. And I don’t think either Joss or my husband is ready for that. I spent so much time trying to decide on a video that I didn’t even have time to BLOG! (so I’m blogging at work…so naughty, I know. Oh, and speaking of naughty…Shannon, I checked out an Audioslave video. Strangely attracted to that drummer.)

7:05am: really MUST get into the shower.

7:25am: Seriously lacking in pants. Note to self – MUST buy pants. Or, here’s a novel idea…I could lose some weight so that I could fit into the pants that I already own. I’m telling you, it’s a problem that I can’t comfortably fit into my CruelGirl jeans. Anyone walking behind me isn’t likely to be inspired to start humming "my hump, my hump, my lovely lady lumps"…instead, they’ll be inspired to say "good lord woman, LAY OFF the chocolate, would ya?"

7:55am: Apologizing once again to my curly hair for so mercilessly attacking it with the blowdryer. I KNOW that I should use a diffuser. But that slows me down. Thank heaven for cyclomethicone & dimethicone (frizz serum, for you non-chemistry types).

8:05am: Phone rings. WHO IN THE HELL CALLS ME IN THE MORNING?? Hi honey. NO, I don’t know where the football raffle tickets are. Yes, I’ll look for them. NO, the kids aren’t up yet. Yes, I’ll have them call you. NO, I don’t want to continue talking to you right now. Love ya. Bye.

8:15am: WHERE are the friggin’ raffle tickets????

8:20am: Finally leaving the house. Crank up Joss Stone really loud. WHAT? I love her. Why is that so wrong?

9:00am: after sitting in traffic for no apparent reason…no accident, no construction, no moose…decide that since I’m already late, I deserve a maple latte. Drive a couple of miles out of my way to the green & white mother ship. Ahhhhhh, pure bliss in a cup. Oh, by the way, you shouldn’t take my advice from yesterday & use it on a barista. ‘Cause he’ll just look at you funny and say "uh, here’s your latte ma’am."

9:15am: What are those? Are those goats? Huh? Miniature little horses?? How come I haven’t noticed them before? Need to pay more attention on my drive to work.

9:30am: FINALLY arrive at work.

And tomorrow….I’ll do it all again. {sigh} Happy Wednesday.


  • Shannon

    At least now I know I’m not the only who’s running around late every morning, pledging to myself this WILL be the very last time I’m late. I was late this morning and I didn’t even had the kid to drop off. As for Audioslave, you kill me. The drummer is odd looking in person, but from a distance. Love them. Good music for bad moods. And, by the way, I don’t think the Joss Stone thing is the least bit unusual. I love her, too. Although, no 18 year old should have a voice like that! Your addiction to coffee is reaching frightening proportions. Especially when you call Starbucks the mothership!! You’ll be happy to know that I have not succumbed to the dark side – I still (proudly) do not own a coffee maker. 🙂

  • Kelly Edgerton

    Loved the peek into your morning routine. Why do these things you shared not surprise me? Scary to think that I feel like I know you well enough to know that this is so YOU. That’s a good thing (!)(?) And, the Joss Stone comment about going steady, OH MY GOSH, cracked me up. That’s the best comment I’ve read all day. I’m going to have to incorporate that into my vocabulary someday soon. It is too good not to lift off you.

  • renee

    I’ve never ever heard that “my hump” song-a-ma-jig…is that on the radio??? t.v??? Hmm…I’m not a morning person AT ALL…I planned to get up early, leave early, be at work ON time for Staff pictures. Woke up 15 minutes early (yeah!!!), got ready extra slow apparently, because I only left 5 minutes early. On the way out, I stubbed my toe (still numb), then, with 18 month old in hand, dropped all of the papers in my hand on the street. Put child in car seat, picked up papers, got in car, tugged on sun visor and it ended up whipping my in the forehead. Then, on the way to daycare realized I forgot Bryce’s lunch. Had to call Scott to beg him to drop it off. Ended up driving behind the slowest person ever. Ended up at work 10 minutes late. With the ENTIRE staff sitting so lovely for pictures I RAN onto the playground just as they were about to snap the picture. Woo hoo!!! I made it. I’ve never had a maple latte, but could you have the mothership send me over one tomorrow? I may need it.

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