
a sunday drive.

Owens Lake South of the Town of Lone Pine, California

(image credit: here. yes, Mom, I realize that you have 10,395 photos of Lone Pine…I just didn't take the time to ask/search.)

When I was in the 2nd grade, we lived in Lone Pine, CA for a year-ish. One of the things that I remember about Lone Pine (aside from bats & scorpions & the time I got bit by a dog) is the Sunday drives that we would go on. I actually don't know that they were on Sunday…I kind of doubt it b/c we would have been at church. Anyway. I remember driving into the desert or the foothills, often looking for wildflowers that my Mom wanted (side note: I also remember my Dad totally spinning the car once when my Mom saw the wildflowers that she wanted, and he slammed on the brakes. I'm pretty sure he was just showing us his race car driver moves.) Sunday drives bring to mind rambling, leisurely adventures…which is kind of the point of this post. At least the rambling part! I promise not to stop suddenly…

baby got back (issues)

Remember last year when I did the half marathon & hurt my hip? After nearly a year of moving from one doctor to the next, I finally have some answers. It's actually my BACK that is the issue. I woke up last Sunday in serious pain. Hobbled around for the day, and loaded up on advil. No relief. Woke up on Monday really unable to move much. Got in to see a doctor that day (I think my tears on the phone helped). He ordered an MRI and prescribed some heftier pain meds. I had a lovely, itchy reaction to the pain meds…cue benadryl and a switch to different meds. MRI on Wed. Results on Friday…bulging disc and early signs of degenerative disc & facet disease. I am so relieved to have answers. Next steps: crash course of prednisone, pain meds, and an appt with an anesthiesologist. I'm also thinking of signing up for this yoga series, and I will likely make an appt with the first chiropractor who saw me last year after the race. 

maybe i've got two little words?

SHIFT is definitely working for me this year. Not only did it find me, it's doing a great job of ensuring that I don't forget it. Lots of shift happening (sometimes w/o the f). Funny, though, how another word keeps showing up…warrior. A few weeks ago, during a particularly difficult week, I texted to a friend…"this week broke me." He texted back "don't say that. you're a warrior." Ever since? Warrior keeps showing up. Warrior II is my favorite yoga pose. The term warrior keeps showing up in my reading. I'm a bit fascinated by the interaction of the two words. As things shift, I remind myself to be a warrior…not in a fighting sense, but in a strength and bravery sense. Shift & Warrior. Intertwined, they are.(go ahead & read that in Yoda's voice)

foodie friday…wasn't.

Due to the aforementioned back issues, food totally took a back seat last week. No interesting meals, and less than healthy choices (although, as Angie has pointed out to me, my less than choices still usually involve spinach…so I won't feel too guilty). Take out was ordered more than once. I'm back in action this week, though! I'm browsing through Healthy in a Hurry for a NetGalley review. Catching up on Pinterest recipe finds. 

there's an app for that.

First, have you seen the March gallery at write.click.scrapbook? This one was tough for me…I fail at minis. I relied on my new found love for all things iphone and did a quick & easy mini about apps that I've fallen for. Honestly? I didn't think I'd be into apps. Oh, how wrong I was. I have a friend who refuses to pay for apps. Her theory is that there are thousands of free apps out there. My theory? You get what you pay for…and if I can get a helpful app for less than a latte? Sold. Current faves (some free, some not): WunderlistDay One,GratitudeHeadspace, and Little Buddha. Oh, and of course InstaGram and Camera+

thinking about adventure.

Remember my 2012 Manifesto? One of the things that I commited to doing is to wander. Oh, and one of my12 Practices is an adventure practice. Barb & I are trying to plan our summer adventure – a bit torn between Costa Rica and Portland, OR. I think that both will be amazing. 

Where is your sunday drive taking you today? 



  • sarah

    love your two one little words. last year i had two (grace + love)… i’m also so glad that you were able to get some answers for your pain! i hope you’re on the mend soon.
    and as far as the trip you and barb want to take this summer? well, i think you know what MY suggestion is 😉
    (i’m selfish like that…)

  • louise fortune

    Adventure planning, WOW, cool, I can’t recommend Costa Rica as I have never been (although me niece went and LOVED it)
    BUT I can recommend Portland, Oregon, Oh boy don’t get me started I want to live there, clean, relaxed, interesting an easy city to visit and get around in, so much to do !
    I have visited three times , yes from the UK, I know I am such a jet setter !
    Oregon for me has the best of everything, cities, wonderful coast and a pretty damm good set of Mountains too.

  • shelleymay

    while costa rica sounds soooo much more exciting? i’d have to say i’d be up for a drive to portland to meet you for sure!!! feel better my friend. i am so glad you have answers… i don’t want you getting chiropractic care though. just got my sis-in-law out of the hospital after 7 days.. not ruled out her visit 3 days prior to the chiro did not cause her anuerysm… at 39 y/o…just sayin! 🙂 hang in there sister!

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