
8th grader quotes….

"Mom, it’s raining (excellent observation)….I just spent 30 minutes straightening my hair! Now it’s going to be frizzy!!" – uh, has the child NEVER looked at her mother’s naturally curly, usually frizzy hair?? No sympathy from me.

"Mom, will you stop on the way home & get my calculator for Algebra?"….sure honey, but WHO KNEW that it would cost me an ARM & a LEG?? Since when do calculators cost $100?

"Mom, here’s the papers that I need you to sign."….good grief…there really has to be a better way…why can’t schools go to an online database or something so that I don’t have to rewrite the same information every year?

"Mom, _____ said that she is going to sit at another table at lunch & only 4 people can sit with her. I don’t think that I’m one of the 4, but I don’t care. I think that’s dumb."…yep, it’s dumb. Girls can be so mean to each other. That whole popularity game sucks.

Now I need to go give her my daily quote…."Are you ready yet? You are going to miss the bus!" Have a good day….


  • Mom

    Oh, now this brings back memories!- “I hate my hair!” “____ won’t sit with me at lunch!” “Why can’t I have new shoes like ____’s?” The teen years were such fun…not. Good luck honey.

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