one little word,  project life,  you're my favorite

2017 One Little Word® : celebrate

So…I wasn't sure that I was going to choose a word for 2017. 

I pretty much abandoned my word in 2016. I realized the other day that I never even blogged about it! My word was and…meant to honor all the parts & pieces of my life, to encourage inclusion, and to replace "but" in decision making. Anyone who has been to my house knows that ampersands are prominent in our decor. Maybe that even made it a little too everyday for me…didn't give me something to reach for? Anyway…

I hadn't really given much thought to OLW for 2017. And then a word started showing up. I've found that those are the words that end up having the most impact for me…the words that I don't look for, the words that find me. What's my word? 


We already have a lot of celebrations planned for 2017…the "usual" birthdays & holidays, D&K get hitched (hint: aloha!), seeing friends & family, neighborhood parties, etc. I want to celebrate the little moments…the quiet mornings, small victories, date nights, family adventures, my tribe…all the pieces of our life. Celebrate is also choosing to see the good in the challenging moments…I'm sure I'll be asking "what can I celebrate in this?" often. It's about finding the fun, and continuing to create a life that I love. 

Here's to a year to Celebrate – bring it, 2017! 


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