friday reflections

1.17.14. friday reflections.

image from

I thought about skipping this post today. I'm feeling under the weather, which is to say crankyacheysniffleyheadachey. I am rarely sick, as evidenced by the fact that the cold medicine that I pulled from the cabinet tonight had expired in 2009 (apparently, I also rarely clean out the medicine bin). I came home, ate a couple of slices of toast, and crawled into bed. I may as well write something while I'm lounging, right?

tasting :: arugula, feta, & cucumber. gin. ricola natural herb cough drops. a smoked quinoa taco that was pretty spectacular.

hearing :: Out of Goodbyes on repeat. my alarm, an average of three times every morning (snooze button much?). the wise words of good friends.

smelling :: nothing…stupid cold.

seeing :: a house that needs some attention. a pile of laundry. random emails that make me smile. airport monitors. an expired license (oops). polka dot pjs. an awesome new year's card.

feeling :: like I need a nap. like a failure at my job (I tried to sugar-coat that six different ways, but I'm just going to go with the blunt truth. It hasn't been a great week.). grateful. relieved that I can spend the next few days resting.

wishing/hoping :: for a vacation somewhere warm. that all of the chores would do themselves. that this cold passes quickly.

Inspired by my dear friend Gabby today, who was inspired by Rosie Molinary

Rosie explains that Friday Reflections is "all about reflecting on the week by observing our senses.  My hope is that this will be a gentle, easy way to tune into how we are doing and what we are experiencing weekly when journaling in general can feel so daunting."

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