
thoughts on completing & creating…


Dan & I attended a Special Evening About the Landmark Forum last night in Montreal, mostly b/c it was led by our forum leader, Barry Grieder, who we were eager to see again. There's something undeniably special about all Forum Leaders, and there's something super-special about the connection with the person who leads your Forum. Listening to Barry speak was inspiring and extraordinary.

(except for that part where I had an epic breakdown b/c I was never called on to share, and Dan was, and WHY DOES DAN GET ALL THE ATTENTION? And while we're at it, why can't anyone remember that my name is Katrina, not Katerina or Ekaterina or Kristen or Katherine, but EVERYONE KNOWS DAN? And why is everyone FALLING OVER THEMSELVES to get why Dan is postponing his ILP, but no one cares that I am also postponing? And I had all of that be REAL and mean that Dan is a superstar and I am not. — shared as proof that I am, indeed, a graduate, but I am not a Landmark Jedi.)

At the end of the evening, we did an awesome exercise to complete 2016 and create 2017. Y'all know that I'm a fan of the reflecting/reverb-ing and a fan of the looking forward, so this was right up my alley (the same alley in which the aforementioned breakdown was happening). Sharing my prompts & responses…

What are 3 accomplishments that you were proud of in 2016?

1. I am proud of exceeding my sales goal at my job. It was a very busy year, with lots of travel, and lots of work…and the results were exceptional. Our entire company did fabulous work.

2. I am proud of handling Austin's medical situation. Honestly, this wasn't just about the December crisis…it reached back to a summer of tests & uncertainty. 

3. I am proud of completing the Landmark Forum in Action seminar, the Advanced Course, and the Communication: Access to Power Course. 

What are 3 things that you loved in 2016?

1. I loved traveling with Dan. Adventure is important to me/us…and learning to travel well together is an adventure! 

2. I loved sharing our home with Bigs, Littles, and lots of family & friends. We surrounded ourselves with love, laughter, and light.

3. I loved parenting the Littles. It's definitely a lot of work, and sometimes feels like deja vu…but man, I love having these Little ones in my life. 

What are 3 things that you promised to do in 2016 and didn't?

1. I didn't lose 10lbs. I lost a few. A few is not 10.

2. I didn't write an e-book. Outlining doesn't count. 

3. I didn't eliminate worrying/giving energy to negative people. Their drama is not mine to manage, yet I let it affect me at times.

What are 3 things that you wish didn't happen in 2016?

1. I wish that the Littles hadn't been moved farther away from us. 

2. I wish that I could erase every argument with Dan. Thankfully, there were only a handful, but I didn't like them one bit.

3. I wish that Austin's seizures didn't happen.

So, here's the deal…all of those things? The "good" and the "bad"…they happened (or didn't). And life went on! 2016 is complete. Looking ahead..


1. I am free from credit card debts & parent university loans. 

2. I am excited to travel abroad (Europe?) with Dan. 

3. I am committed to writing & releasing 2 e-books.

How 'bout you? What are you completing and creating??

One Comment

  • Coachingmagic@sbcglobal.net

    Spending a great vacation in Hawaii with y’all in May.
    Losing another 10 lbs
    Many trips, including Macchu Picchu, Peru and a river cruise in Europe.
    Working with the Women’s March in some capacity.

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