hello monthly

hello february 2016.


February can be a brutal month. Bitterly cold, snowy, and dark. Today, we kicked off the month with temps in the 40s, and daylight as I left work. Grateful for both. Saying hello to so much this month…

hello to packing – we're moving on March 1st, so this month is all about organizing and packing. We both downsized a lot in our last moves, so we're anticipating a smoother process this time.

hello to travel – two days a week, every week. I love it, and it's exhausting. 

hello to documenting – planning on capturing this year in a combination of Chatbooks,
OLW, and (yes!) Project Life. Mackie & I pulled out scrapbooking supplies to make Valentines this weekend, and I realized how much I've missed playing with paper. 

hello to more salads, fewer carbs – the gluttony of January will not be repeated.

hello to birthdays – McCartney turns 5, and my Mom turns…c'mon, I know better than that

hello to the library (again) – weaning myself off of buying books (damn you, Amazon Prime!), and planning to return to the library. What's the best book that you've read lately? 

hello to a nighttime skincare habit – one would think, given what I do for a living, that I've got this one down. Nope. I'm guilty of rarely washing my face before bed, and only using moisturizer when my skin starts to get super dry. Changing that this month! 

hello to the Firestarter Sessions Audio Course – loved reading it, and I'm sure that I'll love listening. 

…inspired by hello monday, but monthly instead.


  • Tracy

    Two and a half suggestions:
    The Hands-On Home by Erica Strauss (I only wish I had the inclination to do half of what she has in here, I read mostly for the dreaming) and How to Raise a Wild Child by Scott D. Sampson (because you again have young kids in your life).
    Once again I’m trying to read The Not So Big House by Sarah Susanka. I got further through it this last time from the library. Still haven’t finished it though.
    Welcome Back! Miss you when you don’t post…

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