let's read

(somewhat) well read.


disclaimer: if you're NOT reading this in Google Reader, simply ignore the design/theme…started playing around with it and quickly realized that a) it's too late at night and b) i have less than zero patience for ANYTHING tonight. moving right along…

At various points during our vacation, one or more of us was reading. At the beach, by the pool, in the rainforest, on the porch of the house…actual books, Nooks, and iphones. Lots of reading. While comparing titles & favorites, we quickly realized a simple truth…

Katrina needs to add some variety to her reading. 

Barb, Kelly, & Chloe exchanged thoughts & reviews about a number of books that they've all read. The common thread? Mostly fiction. Guess what I rarely read? Yep…fiction. I found myself feeling downright illiterate as they rattled off books & authors that I've never heard of. 

I don't really know when I stopped reading fiction. I've certainly picked up a novel here & there over the years, but my go-to genres are self-help, memoir, and cookbooks (yes, I actually read them, I don't just skip to the recipes). Self-help is a bit of a misnomer – it's not as if I'm strictly reading psychology books. Let's just say that I lean toward be better books. Interestingly, some of my favorite books were absolutely NOT enjoyed by the other girls.  (edited to add – I just checked my list from last year – when I commited to reading at least 26 books. Only 6 were fiction -and 3 of those were The Hunger Games trilogy.)

So, I'm now committing myself to expanding my horizons over the next few months. I'll be babysitting some books for Chloe while she's living in Japan. I'm going to join the Burlington library b/c my Nook budget directly competes with my Starbucks budget…and we might as well just be honest about which one will win. I'm even considering joining a local book club with complete strangers that I found on meetup.com (the introvert in me shudders). Y'all should know by now that I throw myself into new projects with fierce intensity & determination. This "read more, read different" campaign is no different (see what I did there? totally tried to channel CZ and her move more, eat well slogan. imitation is the highest form of flattery.)

My process looks like this –

Start with a list of books that Barb, Kelly, & Chloe recommended. Download samples onto Nook. Look through the "people also bought" lists and add more samples. Read samples. Delete those that don't excite me in the least. Add those that peak my interest to my library list. And finally…

Ask my dear blog readers for their recos. Would you kindly leave a comment with 3-5 titles that you think that I absolutely should not miss? Thanks in advance! (and to be fair – don't JUST give me fiction. No genre is off limits!)

PS. I'm sure someone will ask – yes, I'm already on GoodReads. However, I cannot wrap my head around yet another social-media-like site. I'm taking baby steps. 


  • Robert (your favorite brother)

    Fiction is great, but it’s like candy for the mind. It may be fun, but you aren’t filling your mind. Don’t feel bad for feasting on non-fiction.
    I don’t have any book recommendations, because I know our tastes are very different. Instead, I have a challenge! Pick a topic that you know little, or nothing about, and read five (quality) books on the subject. You’ll know more about that subject than 90% of the population. (Disclaimer: I made that number up.)

  • Shannon

    Goodreads will make recommendations based on what you read. But. They are VERY hit and miss. What kind of fiction do you like? I would hate to recommend something you hate.

  • gina

    Currently Reading “The Creative Habit-Learn It and Use It for Life” by Twyla Tharp {would fit into your “be better” category.
    Also reading “Blacklisted from the PTA” by Lela Davidson {book of shorts or essays about motherhood. Funny. I’m not a mother and still find it enjoyable and funny. Easy read.
    Most fave book I’ve read this year: “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children” by Ransom Riggs {fiction, mystery, creative use of vintage/antique photos around which the author weaves an interesting and intriguing story}.
    Happy reading!

  • shelleymay

    So…I’m a bit of a marketing wh&re…I will fall for a good cover and a snazzy tagline and review on the back cover. I’m also not a big bandwagon kind of reader… Recently while browsing my local Fred Meyer bookshelves for mags and books to read while recovering from surgery…I found these titles… I haven’t read them yet, but they look great and are on my kindle loaded and ready to go…Next to Love, Cleaning Nabokovs House, The Kingdom of Childhood, A Promise of Safekeeping… Good luck! Keep me posted and let me know what else you find!

  • Jen Tapler

    I’m a fiction reader and I love my Book Club (which functions more like a Wine Club with the book as an excuse to get together and gossip, drink wine, and eat lots of good food. We talk BRIEFLY about the book. It’s very laid back. My kinda club). So here are some recommendations. Molokai by Alan Brennert (one of my all-time faves, seriously LOVED it. Always at the top of my list and I’ve yet to meet someone who didn’t love this book). I also really liked Cutting for Stone by Abraham Varghese, but this one doesn’t seem to be for everyone. The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick. Those are my top 4 from the last few years. I could go on and on, but I’ll leave it at that. Can’t wait to hear what you pick. Hope you’ll blog it – or at least instagram it! 🙂

  • gabby

    ooooh, will you share the list you’re starting with from those brilliant girls, please???
    favorite author is barbara kingsolver– i highly recommend poisonwood bible (mammoth but amazing) or bean trees. she also does fantastic nonfiction– animal, vegetable, miracle is so great.

  • Angie

    You may be wishing you hadn’t asked this question. 🙂 I have a very weird reading habit and it may not be your cup of tea – here are my recommendations:
    1) We Were the Mulvaneys – Joyce Carol Oates.
    2) The Red Tent – Anita Diamant
    3) Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen
    4) Robert Caro’s Lyndon Johnson biography (4 massive books but they are super interesting – american history/politics etc).
    5) Life of Pi. Weird but good.
    Let me know if you pick any of these!

  • Heather Johnson

    Here are some that stick out to me that I’ve read in the last few years:
    -The Glass Castle: Jeannette Walls–best memoir I have ever read
    -The Help: Kathryn Stockett–read it long before the movie and the hype. It really is that good.
    -American Wife: Curtis Sittenfield–loved this.
    -See Jane Run: Joy Fielding–actually read almost 20 years ago. Still my favorite thriller.
    -Winter Garden: Kristin Hannah–lots of Russian history, stuff I knew nothing about. made me sob.
    -Firefly Lane: Kristin Hannah–story about two women through the years. really good.
    I have been reading your blog for months now, but don’t believe I have ever commented….love your writing and style. Hope you are having a wonderful vacation, I’m officially jealous.

  • Linda

    Fiction is so selective to each person…saying that, here’s a few of my favorites…
    Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver (read it years ago and I still remember as one of the best written)
    Susanna Kearsley: The Winter Sea and The Rose Garden and just starting Mariana. I had not read ‘time travel’ books before hers, but historical and well written
    For ‘self help’ + a story combined I have read most of Jon Gordon’s books.
    Have fun! Nothing better than having a list of books you want to read!

  • josie

    Summerland: by Elin Hilderbrand
    And if you want dark and twisty anything by Gillian Flynn – I just started Gone Girl and Dark Place is next…

  • gabby

    this just made my throat catch this morning. somehow one of my favorite people loving one of my favorite authors makes my heart so happy. xoxo.

  • Kirsten J

    I’m a voracious reader, there’s a book on my nightstand, a book on cd(from the library) in my car, another cd in my craft room, and I listen to playaways(also from the library) when I walk. I get most of my book ideas from the book reviews in People and Entertainment Weekly….and discussions like this! Have you read Jennifer Weiner’s books? I loved Little Earthquakes. And there’s always Stephen King – I’m listening to 11/23/63 and loving it. I’ve never read Jane Austen but always meant to. Just started Joy for Beginners by Erica Bauermeister, and I think I’ll like it. Ahhh…I’m blanking out. I tried Goodreads but am just too lazy. And intimidated at the thought of rating books!

  • Jennifer O.

    I love to read. I read whenever I can. I love fiction and its ability to take you out of your own life. Some of my favorite authors include: Diane Chamberlain, Jodi Picoult, Karen White, Elin Hilderbrand, Luanne Rice, Kristin Hannah, Nancy Thayer, Elizabeth Berg … Hope you share what you read and your thoughts on them!

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