eat, play, live,  this week,  whole 30

changing it up with Whole30®…

Veg cutting board

I have experimented with a handful of eating "programs" over the last few years. I've done vegan challenges, raw challenges, no-alcohol challenges, and even (believe it or not), a no-coffee challenge. I find that challenges are the best way to mix things up for me, and to keep me out of wacky thinking when it comes to food. For example…I came into August counting macros, and instead ended up somewhat obsessed with numbers instead of real food (and consuming WAY TOO MUCH protein powder as a result). I think macros (& protein) are SUPER important…the counting of them just makes me a little/lot nutty. I also had a recent discussion with my naturopath about food intolerances. Austin has removed dairy from his diet due to food intolerance test results, and Dan has a short list of foods that he avoids for the same reason (that was not a short joke, babe). 

I had heard about the Whole30® a few times before…likely through social media. To be honest, my first impression of the program was that it was a diet and that it was unnecessarily restrictive (and thus unsustainable). I also knew that it resembled Paleo eating, and thought that it wouldn't "work" for me b/c I don't eat meat. 

I was wrong on almost all accounts  (only "right" about it resembling Paleo eating). When it popped back up on my radar recently, I decided to actually read about the program. Y'know, instead of assuming that I knew all about it from an Instagram or two. 

Rather than explaining the program to you, please click here to read the official information. The website offers the program, and tons of resources, for FREE. 

I started my Whole30® yesterday. A few co-workers (+ Dan's mom!) will join me next week. I am committed to being in integrity for 30 days…no dairy, no added sugars (of any kind), no grains, no legumes, no alcohol, no "faked foods" made with approved ingredients. I don't eat meat, but I do eat seafood, so I'll focus on fish & eggs for protein. 

I've gotten some interesting reactions (resistance) from folks when I've talked about program. Lots of "but I can't give up _____!" Yes, you probably can. Lots of reactions to no alcohol. Uhm, if you can't give up alcohol for 30 days, you might want to find a meeting. Lots of "but I really like bread/cheese/wine/ice cream." Yeah, me too! And, the standard disclaimer…if you have some medical issue/medication that might be impacted by a program like this, please just talk your doctor. Or better yet, a naturopath. 

Thoughts on day two of the program (still totally a beginner!)….

  • I like ghee. Since dairy is not allowed, butter is out…but ghee (clarified butter) is A-ok. I buy mine at Trader Joe's.
  • Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Some people haven't really read the program in full. Some people have, and just ignore parts of it. Some people think that 2 florets of broccoli make a serving. Sigh.
  • The internet IS a good source of ideas. I'm looking to Instagram, Pinterest, and blogs for inspiration…but I'm still fact checking back to the main site (and the Whole30® book).
  • I am not doing this to lose weight. It's possible that I will, and that's cool. I'm really doing this for the elimination aspect. Particularly heading into fall/winter/SAD season. I should have blood tests results back in the next week or so, and I'm really curious to see what food intolerances pop up.
  • Prep is key. All the chopping of vegetables takes time. I'm grateful that Dan is doing the bulk of it for me. Love that guy. I also splurged a little on things like mini-guacamole cups from Costco, just to make prep a bit easier.

So, now you know what I'm up to for the next 30 days! I blew it on that whole "blog 3x per week" thing, but I do promise that I'll pop back here to let you know how it's going. For reals. 

Oh, and this paper-loving girl was THRILLED to discover The Paleo Pep-talk after sweet Chelsea commented on one of my Instagrams. I love the idea of these mini-pep-talks, and have not only signed up for the FREE newsletter, but also ordered the cards (use code WHOLE30 to save 20%). #paleopeptalk  (ps. those aren't affiliate links…I just think that what's she's doing is rad.)


  • Crystal

    My husband and I did a Whole30 for the first time in January this year. Honestly, it was a game changer. We both do need to lose a significant amount of weight, although we didn’t see this as a long-term diet, we knew we needed a hard stop with how we we were eating and a clean restart. It was significantly helpful that there was a hard list of dos and don’ts. We were fully committed and stuck with it for the full 30 days. It helped my husband curb his diet soda addition and I really curtailed my sugar and snack (junk food/carb) habit. We’ve both gone on to lose weight with a healthy, balanced diet (everything in moderation!), but Whole30 was exactly what we needed to get us started.

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