
september things.

Unsplash water

September started with a flurry of activity that left me a bit breathless. I'm still looking for Austin's car when I pull into the parking garage, and adjusting to the sometimes kid-free nest. Yesterday was really our first day without work, travel, or kids (of any age) in quite some time. To be honest? It was a bit unsettling for both of us…but also delightful. We slept in, had a decadent breakfast, went for a long walk at the causeway, enjoyed wine & cheese by the river, and watched a movie with dinner. 

I'm very much a member of the "September is the new January" club – I like the fresh start of the school year (even though it's wildly different for me this year) and the new season. I like the warm days and cool nights (I'm choosing not to think about winter yet). I like the shift from spontaneity to routine. 

I've already purchased most of my fall capsule wardrobe. I'm finishing up my summer reading list, starting to compile my WITL album, and checking in my Core Desired Feelings. 

My calendar is starting to get packed with travel, and I'm doing my best to say "yes" to friends & fun. Plus, it's the month before October…when I get to see Austin and Barb and my brother…clearly giddy about those visits! We'll celebrate Dan's birthday this month and our 1-year anniversary. It's a busy month, that is full of good things.

And for anyone who's counting…I've already had two Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Yay for September things!

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