one little word,  reverb remix 2013

reverb remix 2013 : one word


10. One Word | 2013Encapsulate the year 2013 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Updating to my own version – reflect on your OLW for 2013. What resonated? What didn't?

I've written about my experience with SOAR fairly recently. I didn't intentionally cast the word aside…instead, I felt as though I was always fighting with it. Isn't soaring supposed to be almost effortless? I've spent so much timing rising above, that it felt as though I should be able to coast for a bit….but that's not really the definition of 'soar' is it? One definition is to "glide with little apparent effort." Ahhhh….so there's the catch. The effort is there, it just isn't apparent

I continuously felt the tug of my 2012 OLW – shift. I think that I just wasn't done with that one yet. I'm excited about my 2014 OLW, which I'll share soon (there's a prompt for that!). As I say goodbye to soar, I'm grateful for the reminder that it brought to look up, and to strive to spread my wings.

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