
Monday mornings

Not normally my finest hour. I’m more of a night owl. But this morning, I’m actually in gear. Thinking about all of the things I need to do today, including work. My new boss starts today. Need to call an appliance repair place to fix the dryer. Need to call the town rec dept to sign Hope up for the summer basketball league. Feeling relieved that I’ve decided NOT to have a yard sale on Saturday, so that’s at least 10 things OFF my to do list this week. Must get invitations mailed/emailed for our meet the parents party. Need to call about having my camera cleaned, b/c it appears that a tiny bug has made it’s way into the depths of it. Need to leave work on time tonight so that I can make it to Austin’s end-of-season baseball team party. I made it to most of the games, but a parent mentioned to Rob the other day that she hadn’t seen/met his wife. Ugh. Perhaps I need to wear a "Coach Rob’s wife" name tag. Right now, I really need to stop blogging and finish the sales report that I should have been working on this weekend. Okay, maybe just a few more minutes of blogging…

Watched Hitch last night. Really funny.

I’m hoping that I can work in some scrapbooking time this week. I love looking at other scrapbooking things…layouts, supplies. articles, etc. Looking through Karen’s layouts this weekend was inspiring. The girl’s got talent. I need to just jump in and get some pages done – I spend far too much time planning, and far too little time actually creating.

My parents are leaving OK on Saturday – so they should be here on Tuesday. A day earlier than I anticipated. So, that throws a bit of a wrench into my work schedule. I think I’ll do a half day on Tuesday – if they get here before me, oh well. The kids can get them settled in. LOL.

Alright, on to that sales report….

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